PHP Advanced Course
Our PHP Advanced course takes your PHP skills to the next level. Learn the advanced features of the PHP language from generators and closures to caching and advanced application design utilising build chains. Understand how concepts such as continous delivery, testing and packaging your application as a container work with PHP.
PHP Advanced Course Objectives
PHP Advance Cases
- DateTime API
- Generators
- Closure class
- PHP recent additions
Standard PHP Library
- Iterators
- PSR-4 Autoloader
PHP Advanced Techniques
- Command line interface (CLI)
- PSR-6 caching interface
- Extension custom development
Targeted Server Environments
- Continuous delivery
- CD Phing build tool
- Jmeter Load Testing
- Docker containers
- Docker execution labs
- Docker compose
Web APIs
- REST endpoints and resources
- Building a REST service API
- URL parsing
PSR-7 Messaging and Middleware
- PSR-7: HTTP message interfaces
- Middleware
- Zend Expressive
Software Architecture
- Software design patterns
- Domain-driven design