Laravel PHP Framework Training & Software Development

Laravel is the leading web application framework for PHP developers. Its ease of use, comprehensive feature list and tooling have earned it its top spot on developers' list of most loved PHP frameworks. Business love Laravel for its rapid development cycle, lower cost of ownership and ease with which to find skills or build internal capabilities around the Laravel framework.  Jumping Bean can assist with your software development requirements and training should you wish to develop your own in-house capabilities.  Whatever your requirement, we can assist.

Software Development

Our team of software developers can assist with your current Laravel projects or if you wish to develop a beautiful web application and rest API rapidly and securely.

Affordable Training

We offer self-paced, mentored or Instructor-led,
remote or in-person courses Allow our experts
to guide you in mastering Laravel.

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Laravel Training

If you have a team that requires training on the Laravel framework for their own internal projects or for the handover of an application whose development was outsourced, our team of instructors, with hands-on experience, can take them from zero to full-fledged Laravel developers in no time.


Kaofela :: Botswana Revenue Services

Training was very practical and I liked the troubleshooting skills demonstrated which will help me greatly at work

Jason :: SEDA

Very pleasant training that covered a broad range of topics which exceeded expectation

Mayshiya :: Auditor General

I loved the relevance of the training content towards my daily work and improved knowledge for making relevant recommendations

Leeto :: ABSA

Thanks for everything, experience was great and worth every cent.

Thato :: FNB

The training was great and opened interesting channels that I never knew existed.

Saleha :: Bankserv Africa

I loved the practical examples and channels explored plus the instructor created an engaging environment.

Laravel Training

Our Laravel courses are led by experienced instructors who can get students quickly up-to-speed on Laravel. Once the basic concepts are understood becoming proficient in Laravel is a matter of weeks.  Turbocharge your development process with the vast productivity and security gains obtained by leveraging the Laravel framework.
In this course, you will learn how to install Laravel with Composer, how to use Artisan console to create, test and deploy your application., You will learn how to work with Routes, Views, Blade templates, Controllers and Models with Eloquent, the Laravel Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework.
Students should have a solid understanding of PHP and PHP OOP and web concepts such as request & response. An understanding of web framework concepts such as routes, MVC etc is an advantage but will be covered in the architecture overview section of the course.

Laravel PHP Framework Course Objectives

  • Architecture Overview
    • Dependency Injection
      • Container
      • Facades
      • Service Providers
    • Model View Controller
      • Model
      • Controllers
      • View
      • Route
      • Middleware


  • Set Up & Installation
    • Installation
      • Concept of Composer
      • Install & Use Composer
      • Installing Laravel using composer
    • Web Server Configuration
    • Project Structure
    • Setting up Development and Debugging Tools
    • Introduction to the Artisan Console


  • Basic Routing
    • Basic Routing
    • Route Parameters


  • Requests
    • Handling Request Info.
    • Request Inputs
    • Form Inputs
    • Old Inputs
    • Files


  • Response
    • Response with View
      • View data
    • Redirects
    • Attach Headers and Cookie to response
    • Response with JSON
    • Response with File
    • Custom Responses


  • View
    • Passing data to view
    • Sharing data to all views
    • Blade Template Engine
      • Template Inheritance
      • Displaying Data
      • Control Structures


  • Advanced Routing
    • Named Routes
    • Secure Routes
    • Parameter Constraints
    • Route Prefixing
    • Domain Routing


  • Controllers
    • Basic Controllers
    • Restful Resource Controllers
    • Controller Routing
    • Controller Middleware


  • Forms
    • CSRF Protection
    • Form Elements
      • Labels
      • Text, Text Area, Password & Hidden Fields
      • Check-boxes and Radio Buttons
      • File Input
      • Number Input
      • Date Input
      • Drop-Down Lists
      • Buttons
      • Custom Form Macros


  • Validation
    • Validation Rules with associating messages
    • Custom Rules
    • Custom messages


  • Object Relation Mapping
    • Eloquent
      • Defining Model
      • Retrieving Model
      • Insert & Update Model
      • Deleting Model
      • Eloquent Relationship
        • One to One
        • One to Many
        • Many to Many


  • Database
    • Migration
      • Schema Building
      • Migration Structure
      • Running Migration
      • Writing Migration
    • Seeding
    • Database Configuration
    • Running Raw SQL queries


  • Services - Authentication, logging
    • Authentication our application
      • Authorization using Policies ~ Role-based panel access
      • Configuring Auth Library
      • Creating an authentication system using Middleware
    • Exception Handling and Error Logging
    • Mail
      • Configuring & sending mail
    • Pagination
    • Session

All our training courses are offered inhouse or online, full-time or part-time. Contact us to discuss your requirements and we will tailor our training for you.

Contact Us

Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

3 Appian Place,373 Kent Ave
2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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