PHP Training Courses

PHP is one of the most widely used programming languages for software development and powers over 75% of the sites on the internet. It powers WordPress, Facebook and a host of major open-source projects. PHP has consistently been in the top 10 languages on Git Hub. PHP's popularity is due to its ease of use, its large array of libraries and APIs and the ease with which PHP-based solutions can be found to solve software challenges.  Over the years PHP has matured significantly with an array of supporting build tools and frameworks that facilitate the creation of robust, modern applications leveraging the latest software development techniques and methodologies. Whether you are looking to scratch your own itch and learn how to programme or looking for a career as a professional software developer, PHP is an essential language to have in your software engineering toolbox. We offer our PHP training courses internationally and in South Africa

PHP Certification

We offer a Bootcamp course for the Zend PHP certification. This course is aimed at those familiar with coding and PHP and who wish to attend a fast-paced course to cover the topics that are relevant to the certification.

Affordable Training

We offer self-paced, mentored or Instructor-led,
remote or in-person courses Allow our experts
to guide you in mastering Laravel.

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PHP from Fundamentals to Advanced

For those looking for a more in-depth treatment of PHP topics from fundamentals to advanced, we have a series of training courses, covering, not only the  PHP language but also the tools that one needs to know to be able to leverage PHP in a modern development context.

PHP Framework training

We also offer specialist courses in PHP frameworks for Laravel and Zend/Laminas. Laravel, being a scalable, easy-to-use but extremely powerful and elegant web application framework is popular in corporates and start-ups. 

We also offer courses in Drupal development for those PHP programmers working with Drupal. Additionally, we run on-demand specialist training courses for PHP such as Symfony framework or CodeIgniter if this is required by our customers, so please contact us if you have any specific requirements.


Kaofela :: Botswana Revenue Services

Training was very practical and I liked the troubleshooting skills demonstrated which will help me greatly at work

Jason :: SEDA

Very pleasant training that covered a broad range of topics which exceeded expectation

Mayshiya :: Auditor General

I loved the relevance of the training content towards my daily work and improved knowledge for making relevant recommendations

Leeto :: ABSA

Thanks for everything, experience was great and worth every cent.

Thato :: FNB

The training was great and opened interesting channels that I never knew existed.

Saleha :: Bankserv Africa

I loved the practical examples and channels explored plus the instructor created an engaging environment.

PHP Fundamentals to Advanced

If you are looking to break into the lucrative world of software development then our PHP training courses will take you from fundamentals to advanced and empower you to pass the PHP certification from Zend.  Each course is independent and there is no requirement to have taken one of the other courses before attending the course of your choice. The only requirement, so you can get the most out of the course, is that you are comfortable with the foundational knowledge required.

PHP Fundamentals Course

Learn the key concepts and skills to start your programming career with PHP fundamentals training. With this course you will learn the fundamental constructs, operators and control strucutres common to all programming languages using PHP. PHP is ideal as a started language or as a prgroamming language for career advancedment. After this course you will be have the knowledge and skills to master any other programming languages.

PHP Fundamentals Course Objectives


PHP Introduction to Programming

  • Language and the Logic of Programming
  • Types of Programming Languages and Vocabulary
  • What is PHP
  • Why use PHP

PHP Language Basics

  • Syntax
  • Quotes
  • Comments
  • Special Characters
  • Data Types
  • Precedence
  • Symbols

PHP Identifiers

  • Variables
  • Constants
  • Arrays

PHP Control Flow Basics

  • Operators
  • Conditionals

PHP Functional Basics

  • Functions
  • Function Design Tools
  • File System Handling

File System Basics

  • Constants
  • Commonly Used File Functions
  • File System Performance

PHP Web Concepts

  • Client/Server Communications
  • How to embed PHP into HTML
  • How to embed HTML into PHP
  • Validating and Escaping
  • Cookies
  • Sessions
  • $_GET and $_POST

PHP Database Basics

  • Introduction to Relationship Databases
  • Keywords and Statements in SQL
  • Using PHP Functions with the MySQL Data Engine

Developing PHP Apps

  • General Software Development
  • Application Structure Guidelines
  • Organizing a concept solution
  • Application Skeleton
  • Debugging Techniques
  • Security

PHP Intermediate Course

If you are looking to break into the lucrative world of software development then our PHP training courses will take you from fundamentals to advanced and empower you to pass the PHP certification from Zend.

Each course is independent and there is no requirement to have taken one of the other courses before attending the course of your choice. The only requirement, so you can get the most out of the course, is that you are comfortable with the foundational knowledge required.

PHP Intermediate Course Objectives


PHP Configuration

  • Configuration directives
  • Run-time settable directives
  • Web server PHP and CLI configuration
  • Target environment configuration
  • Technology stack configuration for the course VM

Object-Oriented PHP - Constructs

  • The class construct
  • Class constants, properties and methods
  • Object instances
  • Member visibility
  • Static properties and methods
  • Inheritance
  • Overrides
  • Magic methods
  • Class and method abstraction
  • Object interface
  • Type hinting
  • Traits
  • Namespace
  • Object cloning and comparison
  • Functions that work with classes
  • Exceptions

Object-Oriented PHP - Implementation

  • Course application OOP implementation
  • File structure organization
  • Architectural thought of the course application
  • Model/View/Controller design pattern implementation
  • Controllers and input classes
  • Core classes and their role
  • Domain classes, services and business logic
  • Form and input classes and abstraction
  • Model classes and abstraction, database access and patterns
  • View classes and layouts

PHP Standards

  • Basic coding standard
  • Logger interface and standard
  • Autoloading and autoloading standard
  • Caching interface and standard
  • Messaging interface and standard


  • Databases
  • The relational database engine
  • Structured query language (SQL)
  • Data modelling
  • PhpMyAdmin MySQL admin
  • Terminal MySQL
  • PHP data objects (PDO) API
  • Prepared statements
  • Stored procedure
  • Transactions
  • Patterns in database design

Internet Communication

  • Protocols and ports
  • Client/Server
  • Client-side
  • HTML web forms
  • Server-side
  • Server-side input validation
  • Cookies
  • Sessions
  • Output control
  • Headers and browser caching


  • Composer
  • Composer files
  • composer.phar
  • composer.json
  • Important composer commands
  • The "vendor" directory
  • Composer API docs and packages

Web Services

  • Web services
  • Data formats
  • Parsing APIs
  • Web service requests
  • Soap services
  • RESTful services
  • Streams

PHP Advanced Course

Our PHP Advanced course takes your PHP skills to the next level. Learn the advanced features of the PHP language from  generators and closures to caching and advanced application design  utilising build chains. Understand how concepts such as continous delivery, testing and packaging your application as a container work with PHP.

PHP Advanced Course Objectives



PHP Advance Cases

  • DateTime API
  • Generators
  • Closure class
  • PHP recent additions

Standard PHP Library

  • Iterators
  • PSR-4 Autoloader

PHP Advanced Techniques

  • Command line interface (CLI)
  • PSR-6 caching interface
  • Extension custom development

Targeted Server Environments

  • Continuous delivery
  • CD Phing build tool
  • Jmeter Load Testing


  • Docker containers
  • Docker execution labs
  • Docker compose

Web APIs

  • REST endpoints and resources
  • Building a REST service API
  • URL parsing

PSR-7 Messaging and Middleware

  • PSR-7: HTTP message interfaces
  • Middleware
  • Zend Expressive

Software Architecture

  • Software design patterns
  • Domain-driven design

Our Clients

Absa Bank Dimension Data Teraco Discovery Health South African Revenue Service First National Bank Allan Grey multichoice CSIR Standard Bank University of Johannesburg MTN Mr Price

PHP Certification Bootcamp

If you have been using PHP for some time and just need a quick refresher of the fundamentals of PHP, or need to fill some knowledge gaps before attempting the PHP Certification from ZEND, then this course is for you.

It is a fast-paced course aimed at candidates with intermediate to advanced knowledge of PHP. If you are looking for an introduction to programming course based on PHP then our PHP Fundamentals to Advanced courses are what you are looking for.

PHP Certification Course Objectives

PHP Basics

  • Syntax
  • Operators
  • Variables
  • Control Structures
  • Language Constructs and Functions
  • Namespaces
  • Extensions
  • Config
  • Performance/bytecode caching


  • Arguments
  • Variables
  • References
  • Returns
  • Variable Scope
  • Anonymous Functions, closures
  • Type Declarations

Data Format & Types

  • XML Basics
  • SimpleXML
  • XML Extension
  • Webservices Basics
  • SOAP
  • JSON
  • DateTime
  • DOMDocument

Web Features

  • Sessions
  • Forms
  • GET and POST data
  • Cookies
  • HTTP Headers
  • HTTP Authentication
  • HTTP Status Codes

Object Oriented Programming

  • Instantiation
  • Modifiers/Inheritance
  • Interfaces
  • Return Types
  • Autoload
  • Reflection
  • Type Hinting
  • Class Constants
  • Late Static Binding
  • Magic (_*) Methods
  • Instance Methods & Properties
  • SPL
  • Traits


  • Configuration
  • Session Security
  • Cross-Site Scripting
  • Cross-Site Request Forgeries
  • SQL Injection
  • Remote Code Injection
  • Email Injection
  • Filter Input
  • Escape Output
  • Encryption, Hashing algorithms
  • File uploads
  • PHP Configuration
  • Password hashing API


  • Files
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • File System Functions
  • Streams
  • Contexts

Strings & Patterns

  • Quoting
  • Matching
  • Extracting
  • Searching
  • Replacing
  • Formatting
  • PCRE
  • Encodings

Databases SQL

  • SQL
  • Joins
  • Prepared Statements
  • Transactions
  • PDO


  • Associative Arrays
  • Array Iteration
  • Array Functions
  • SPL, Objects as arrays
  • Casting

Error Handling

  • Handling Exceptions
  • Errors
  • Throwables

PHP Certification Training Course Pricing

PHP Certification Course Price
Description Duration
PHP Certification Bootcamp Training 5
PHP Certification Bootcamp Training + Exam Voucher 5


Contact Us

Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

3 Appian Place,373 Kent Ave
2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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